Monday, February 26, 2007

On Loneliness

Loneliness...everyone tells me to expect it and be prepare for it, as if I haven't been alone the last few weeks. Loneliness...surround yourself with friends, make sure you're not alone, brace yourself for the intense feelings of loneliness, well meaning friends have told me. I have come to realize that we all experience loneliness even when we are in the company of others. Married couples go thru lonely seasons as well as single people. I'm very familiar with loneliness, not just recently but throughout my life. Loneliness is part of moving forward in this long and glorious road we call life. I don't need to fix it. We are commanded to go thru it..."Be still and know that I am God." That is what the Word tells me. Jesus walked alone in the desert for forty days, He didn't take anybody to keep Him company. The angles came to minister to Him and He lacked nothing. I will walk thru my desert just the same, alone, knowing that too is part of my life and experience the comfort only angles and God can bring.

1 comment:

Queen Bee said...

Great Post, I too feel a lone, even when I am surrounded by many loved ones.