Saturday, February 24, 2007


Colors. They give life depth and feeling. I'm slowly seeing in color again, not all the time, but once in a while when I'm not looking. My eyes catch a bit of green and blue and I try to look but then it's gone. I know I'll be color blind for a season but seeing color hurts my eyes in a satisfying way like pulling a splinter out. Life is slowly coming into focus and I can see a little bit farther ahead than before. I'm becoming bolder and less afraid, confident that nothing, truly nothing is impossible with Christ. I want to be a widow for a season only and then I will be me, whole, complete, vibrant and full of color. Ron filled in the lines with rich color and I will display the life he left behind with courage knowing that the Master artist moved his hands. I am a canvas, richly painted in the gallery of life and because of the Master Artist I'm worth far more than precious treasure. Oh what joy it'll be to have full sight!

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