Saturday, February 3, 2007

My Story

It is with a heavy heart that I write this, my Ron, husband of 23 years has left us for heaven on Sunday December 17, after crossing the finish line of the Jacksonville Half Marathon. He collapsed with a massive heart attack. I was running the full marathon and was pulled over by the police at mile 21 and taken to Jacksonville Memorial Hospital where Ron had been taken. By the time I arrived all was quiet and they were waiting to tell me the news.

We had a touching memorial service Friday, December the 22 with a burial service at our house. We decided to bury him next to our little child Naomi, up on a hill behind our house overlooking the lake. The service was Christ-centered, as he would have wanted it to be. His whole life was dedicated to his God, and we honored him by worshiping the Lord who gave him to us. My older son Jonathan led the worship and played guitar for his dad and for his Savior. Many people spoke about the impact Ron had on their lives, and it spoke to our hearts. Their individual testimonies, whether from his work force of from his circle of friends, indicated the uniquely inspirational life he led. We were incredibly blessed to have had such a man of God in our lives for the time he was given to us.

As of right now, we are taking each day as it comes, praying for guidance and strength. Jonathan and Amaris the two older ones returned to Georgia Tech for the spring semester and I continue to home school the three younger girls, Carmel, Hosanna and Abigail. I will of course keep running physically as well as spiritually towards the finish line.

This is my story. Truly, truly He knows my sorrow and through these words He will heal my heart. My question is not why, for He promises no explanation. I trust and submit to His perfect will, but I'm a bit scared. He tells me that perfect love casts our fear...alas; my love is not yet perfect. Be assured that all that has come into my life has a very specific purpose. Sharing the sorrow for my Ron will lovingly open your hearts to relieve some of the hurt. In remembering I will keep his memory alive and will be reminded of His continued faithfulness to us. This is a big burden and my heart still hurts and aches for my Naomi, now six years later my Ron leaves for heaven too. I have learned to receive His best for what I thought was better, to humbly submit with open arms, to weep and rejoice that He is my King, and to have the assurance and peace that my children, in their sorrow are under His everlasting arms.

The last words he said to me were, "You are going to do great! I'll see you at the finish line!"
I'm counting on it!

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