Friday, August 24, 2007


"An old Puritan said that if you go into the woods and are very quiet, you will not know whether there is a partridge, or a pheasant, or a rabbit in it. But when you move or make a noise, you soon see the living creatures. They rise or they run. When affliction comes into your soul and makes a disturbance and breaks your peace, your graces rise. Faith comes out of hiding and love leaps from its secret place."
C. H. Spurgeon

I love the last sentence in this paragraph..."love leaps from its secret place." The word leaps gives me the feeling of energy and intensity. Leap means action, to spring free. Love that springs free from the depth of Christ. Amazing! What I feel is affliction what He gives is active, energetic love, love that leaps like Tigger in the darkness of the Hundred Acre Woods. He continues to amaze me with His intensity, there is nothing passive about Christ. It is in my suffering that God has stated and demonstrated His great compassion.

Today, in this very moment I feel His love leaping into the depth of my heart. I can see my storm is passing leaving me once again in peaceful surrender.

1 comment:

Queen Bee said...

How beautiful Maritza, you are like a deer prancing and leaping in a dark forest, but ahead of you, you see the light!
I love you,